Throttle Position Sensor Fcrs

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Desmoquattro, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. I am in the process of setting up my Supersport with a TPS using this 3D printed mounting plate from Fastbikegear in New Zealand. Does anyone have any experience in setting up the Ignitech to work with it? FB_IMG_1507415135270.jpg
  2. It's pretty straightforward - best described in the FBG-amended Ignitech manual. Do you have a copy?
  3. I do, gonna try to come up with a map myself....looks complicated.
  4. Not really - if you've already got a 2D 'map' set up (straightforward advance curve), you just tell the Ignitech unit that there's a tps, and let it read throttle closed and wot tps voltages, and it generates the 3D map itself. If you haven't set the unit up at all yet, you will have to create an advance curve first. Can let you have mine if it helps - seems to work ok
  5. Ah that's great, I have a curve, but if u can share yours that'd be appreciated. Ian
  6. Happy to - I'll try and get bike and laptop together before the weekend. Be interested to share thoughts/developments.
  7. Great, I'll try to get the TPS mounted over next week. Bikes on the bench ready
  8. Ok, so progress so far, kit mounted on and carbs loosely in place not much room for everything! Plug onto the TPS will be a tight fit indeed. Finish it off over weekend due to work. 20171013_203931.jpg 20171013_211505.jpg 20171013_212620.jpg
  9. As promised, albeit late, the current advance curve I'm running with the tps.
    BTW - I notice you're using both push and pull cables on your FCR's - I've never bothered with the push one - the return spring is so strong anyway, and butterflies wouldn't ever jam like slides would/might. Makes installation so much easier! TPS map.jpg
  10. Thanks, I'm taking mine out tomorrow for a blast, fettle. That's a good idea about cables!
  11. Just looked at my own map and it was very similar to yours anyway, tweaked it to match so we will see how it goes tomorrow
  12. Be interested in how you find it
  13. Went out but TPS voltage wasn't registering. Will look at it tonight. Bikes running well otherwise so I expect this to improve things further.
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