My Uncle (bless him in his 80s was a Canberra Pilot, flew out of Bassingbourn near me and spent a lot of time in Malta} and to this day you can tell his past by the way he conducts him self...bloody wish I had joined up
Lifes too short for regrets mate, just be cool with life now, and be proud of nipper (even though he joined the navy )
Yikes, Wayne. You know, there is such a thing as too much research. Right, back to the topic and apologies to the OP.
Congrats to your lad. I served in the Army and been out a few years now, he will abide by values and standards that only military personnel can comprehend. Sincerely wish him all the best.
RAF, Navy? you guys are totally missing the point. The Army is the way forward. Good luck to him though, he'll need it lol.
Going back a few years I admit (around 40), a friend of mine born here but of Italian parents, but I can't remember what passport he held, was called up for Italian national service. He refused obviously, but was then threatened with arrest should he ever go back to Italy.