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the one on the fender, find the next size up in a quality torx bit. and knock it in. the shock from hitting it will also help to free it off. it...
attle bog horror
Ah. Although the 1200dvt is advertised as being compatible with the app. It actually isn’t.
I just used Facebook I’m afraid.
i assume it will connect to the 1200DVT
just downloading it, thanks
out of interest. what are the symptoms?
Also have you noticed the red traction lamp flashing when you try and pull away? My bike thought it was being ridden with the clutch pulled in
Just a suggestion, but what about disconnecting the battery overnight? Not something I’d tried but all your symptoms are exactly the same as my...
I cocked up and missed a part with fitting asv levers. It appeared to have stored a fault code even after I refitted the originals. After much...
Lol. I’d check the clutch lever. It’s not hitting the micro switch in the off position.
I used a plastic bottle similar to an old fairy liquid bottle. I tried various shspes and attached them with gaffa tape. I tried 3 different...
i'm 5'9" so not a huge amount in it. i've just been out to take the seat risers out. i'll see if that makes any difference in the morning
out of interest, how tall are you mr g.hog?
apparently that reply has been retired
but i could have probably just moved the navihalter bracket down one hole
i have these fitted[ATTACH]
as i said, my sat nav fouled the vario
not a very good pic, i'll take some more tomorrow