Separate names with a comma.
Investigate europe ? with the euro at 70p it might be worth looking at importing a secondhand bike.
ask them why the retail price is 20% higher than it should be at the current exchange rate ? then laugh at their derisory 'free gifts'
Don't know what the French authorities are playing about at, a few machine gun towers at calais would sort them out easy.
Don't worry about them, they don't work, only psycologically
good arn't they, test rode one at the dark side tour last weekend, really enjoyed it.
In France they ticket the lead rider if they pull over a group, thats the rule.
Back to topic, don't forget some ventilation in the roof and low down the sides to let air flow, it will get very 'stuffy' in there on a night.
Go and have a ride on an MT09, torque laden triple with no vibes, comfortable, light & relatively cheap. I had ago on one at the weekend, really...
All the blurb says to calculate from the time you finish your last drink, so if you have 10 units up to midnight, it could well be 10.00am before...
Think it's fairly standard procedure everywhere. As a guide, your body processes about 1 unit of alcohol per hour from the time you stop drinking,...
Now that the Euro is only worth 70p or so, the ticket price of ALL new products from the Euro zone to us should have dropped by something like...
How do you go on registering an 'old' but unused vehicle that wont meet the current emission regs ?
I take it you are 'down south' ? that's a foreign country you see to us northern types !
Given that the Drivel is just a re-badged Harley, Audi will be looking for another manufacturers model that they can copy with parts they have in...
Hi mate, i had a Multi 1000, i believe the 1100 has the same system as the 1000, i bought another unit to modify by cutting it open & removing the...
So the plan so far is to get a taxi to Douglas, where should we head for to see some racing ? is the pit area open between the races for the...
Paul Smart does have his actual bike doesn't he ? Can't they ask him for a borrow.
April 1st already ?
I'm assuming that the buses can run around the island on the roads that arn't affected by the races ?
Flying from Doncaster, 55 mins to I.O.M