Separate names with a comma.
when would you wont the bike iam on Anglesey not to far from you :)
hi after the opinion on the difference in comfort of a sergeant seat over that of a standard one ??? with 47000 on the clock I think the foam on...
glade someone else asked that question first as that was next by the way what size socket is needed????
thanks for the info will have a look and try the things and let you know thanks
hope someone can shed some light on this for me ,was out on the bike yesterday and noticed that the neutral light was sort of half on ,a dim glow...
anglesey great track great views and has got its own corkscrew!!!!!!
thanks all for the thoughts and replys been on a jolly to london to see me mum so thats why no responce over the weekend will have a look at the...
thanks for your thoughts, was thinking about maxton will have to give them a ring and see whats what
another question, has anyone had the forks on a 900ss ie rebuilt and what did you have done, and is it worth getting the rear shock rebuilt or...
thanks jhonboy yes it is offset but mine was the right way round, the shims are shown in the parts list but as arquebus pointed out he thinks...
thanks arquebus looks like that's the way it is then, will fit the new sprocket 14 tooth and new retaining washer then and forget about it
thanks for the reply, i have just made sure all is in line ie the wheels and then checked the line of the sprockets with the plate in place and...
hi all hope someone can shed some light on this for me? i have a 900ss ie 2001 giving it a good clean as you do and looking at the front sprocket...
just dun an asbestos aware course yesterday,(had to for to work on some sites) not sure if you know about that stuff need to be very carful if...
what more do you need a seat /engine/two wheels ????
hi g just had a look and found that I used for the pip and therma velocity for the packing and the one I used was acousta-fil good...
hi g yes 63 was the dia of the pipe will try and dig out wear I got it from and the exhaust wrap which was a handy one as it expanded to fill the...
took some pics today of my cans that I cored must say that they do sound good deep but not to loud [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
did mine and cut 120mm off the end and the good thing is you can still have all the e numbers and part umbers so when the old bill stop you for...
if you don't have a front stand and you have a good beam in your garage get a good ratchet strap and put it round the head stock and lift it that...