Separate names with a comma.
I'll take that off your hands please. Pm sent. I've got a collection going :laughing:
I'm really annoyed with my self, I've essentially stripped the bike down to it's skivvies so won't get the chance to actually use it until late...
Update, torqued and set my rearsets over the weekend. Here are some pics... The finish on the metal is mind blowing and the quality of install and...
My heart skipped a beat. Are you sure that's not her? :D
Welp, job done. Packed full of grease for the roller bearings, dust seal on (flat side facing bearing right @Android853sp?). Some notes, I used...
Took delivery of my new Oz wheels, over 2 decades I've been twiddling my thumbs on this purchase... The moment I lifted the front wheel, I knew I...
Fine... I'll buy a OBDStar lol, it really does seem like a handy bit of kit for peace of mind.
Welp, started the refresh today... Needless to say, rusty grease is never a nice sight... I'm glad I'm doing this now before it became a...
Agreed, but not a true statement in all cases. Take the jump I did to the 1200S. At the time I had just ended my years riding super bikes and had...
This is a job I've never done, have avoided and am now faced with... I'm in the midst of a winter rebuild with a number of mods and...
Back when I lived in the UK, I went for a test ride for the, then new'ish, 1200S and was told I had 15 minutes and given instructions to blast...
I do, soft policing. Scared to sentence to the point of disagreement in order to avoid public outcry. Aka, the UK. The fact the police officer in...
What a shame he didn't crack open his dense skull and rid the world of one more selfish cunt. 'I don't even wanna watch that' - Tough shit son,...
I can smell the last few braincells he has igniting under the anger... Not a smart man eh
Indeed, I'm more thinking if the key is dead every few months, it could be a physical fault and Ducati might be open to just replacing it FOC.
Are you by chance keeping the key in cold conditions? Like a non-heated garage? If the battery is constantly in a cold environment, it'll quickly...
I've not replaced the battery in mine since I picked the bike up and only ever have the key out of my bike trousers when fitting panniers. Keyless...
Great thread, I think I'll go with self leveling followed by resin.
Part of the house renovations this year is to replace the roof on my garage and also refresh the floor. Exciting! Currently, it's raw concrete...
Bit of a long shot, has anyone fit a RCS (brake or clutch) unit to their handlebars WITH the handguards? I'm looking at it and for sure, it looks...