Separate names with a comma.
There's a lot to be said for an analogue speedo driven by a cable! :joy::joy::joy:
No. THat wont its just I cut and paste the heading from when I bought the wheel. I was going to use it in a project that stalled and I never used...
I have a Ducati 749 999 Rad Felge rear wheel in my shed. It's in excellent condition. No brakes or tyres I'm afraid. If you're interested PM me...
Bought some spoons [IMG] stir my tea OK but not easy to eat with. Amazon - Guitar Spoons.
Why did you weigh the leaves???
Just a thought, if Marillion's Fish married Courtney Cox would she be Courtney Fish? :D
Fell over! Just starting to pull out and a car came zipping down the road, I braked but the angle got me and I couldn't hold it! No, he didn't...
I already pawned my watch!! :joy:
Just a matter of a pinion? :joy: Must admit I hate it when Neil Hodgson is talking on the bike racing and he's always saying 'Would of' or 'Could...
'shrunk by nearly an inch' Is that in height or will his Mrs be complaining?? Anyway, it's 'would have been' NOT 'would of been'!! I blame the...
Don't forget, anything more than 4 miles per hour and the wind will blow your eyeballs out and turn your head inside out! :joy::joy:
Acetylene lamps anybody?? :joy::joy:
You have to get older, you don't have to get old! 75, vertical and still riding so it's not all bad. I find it harder to get my leg over and...
Isle of Dogs??
For Halloween... [IMG]
Is that a cat flap or a flat cap??
Yeah, 2-pin, original is made by jaeger (marked on plastic body) I didn't check the new one :rolleyes:. Thanks for the info anyway.
Have just swapped the water heat sensors over so ... New one has: WTS/09 blank 401976 01/02 blank 2977 Old one has : WTS/09 blank 401976 01/02...