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There are helmets out there that are designed for Naked bikes. I had an XR1100 and changed to a GTAir both Shoei the GTAir is very quiet compared...
The pass or fail is the testers choice hope for a slightly deaf one or distract him. Most Ducati dealers have a tame test station if not done at...
A Multi Strada with open Termis passed the noise test first thing, as the day warmed up he set off all the sound meters whilst on a fast lap and...
It should be in the owners manual.
Could be something really simple such as a dust build up under the seal. My seal failed and that was the prognosis was dust a quick wipe and...
The more strands the better and if doing a really proper job use tinned cables ( Marine Grade )
Harris performance sell Ohlins C spanners and they work on Monster Evo shock
Ducati Wolverhampton use a Ducati friendly MOT station near them.
It's posted as a 10am start. It a bike friendly cafe with large asphalt car park
There's a DOC meet at Hs Cafe Berinsfield nr Abingdon on Sunday 4th so you could ride over ther for a cuppa.
Could you supply a list of parts
The event is being held at Arrow Mill Hotel Arrow Near Alcester Warwickshire BN49 5NL
Its this Week End and the weather is looking Good NO rain
Details on there Facebook page
A 16000 mile service and shim check
Just set the traction control to max and you'll be fine
As they saw you only get what you pay for