Separate names with a comma.
I've had mine fitted for a year and had no issues with water in the connectors. But I have had the bolts loosen. I have now fitted new bolts using...
Or you could use a map they don't drain the battery.
I too have had a very positive experience with my first ducati. No problems and much fun.
Im another interphone fan very clear and easy to use.
The plot thickens
Glad I found this thread had my bike 3 days and already managed to loose one of the rubber plugs through catching them with trousers, have ordered...
How very dare you I'm 21 and a very big bit. Well 30 years if I'm honest.
I'm going back to the dealer next week to pick up a couple of bits that didn't arrive in time will raise it with them.
Picked my base model up Saturday, rode to work this morning in the cold 3c and mine had fogged the same. I had the fog lights fitted and can...
Picked up my standard DVT yesterday but had the fog lights fitted which are very bright. Test rode the s and didn't get used to the feeling that I...
Picked the multistrada yesterday, child with new toy does not begin to cover it. Finally a comfy thing that handles and can do filtering without...
Just been to the lounge my kinda place.
I don't insult people I just like a bit of banter willing to take as well as give. for instance bloke posts picture of pride and joy, comment that...
I have eaten enough pies for the difference not to matter.
Has anyone mentioned huge price drop?
Before I get posting.I used to have an RC8 and the forum had lots of banter and a sense of humour. Then I got a vfr1200 which is what is being...
getting the cooking model multistrada from Cambridge ducati. Had a long ride on the 1200S but decided that I would probably leave it in sport all...
Hi all Just got back from the ducati dealers having ordered my first ducati. goodbye honda reliability hello ducati soul.