Separate names with a comma.
Also a vehicles speed restrictions such as HGV’s etc are implemented due to size, weight etc there’s no legitimate reason to cascade that down to...
just single carriageway I see no reason to interfere with dual carriageways unless of roadworks
Just a thought but I can see how average speed cameras can help reduce accidents on unrestricted roads-but I don’t see why the average goes down...
I also have a theory that all those who drive electric cars may find them locked remotely should they post something considered offensive by the...
We started using B roads a lot more years ago due to a lack of ‘safety’ cameras as traveling at the national limit is very entertaining, I don’t...
Morning everyone I always go to Moto Rapido for parts or advice, first went to them twelve years ago when the wife got...
must admit I’m feeling the pull of the force fella
I have a stock ‘94 900ss that I swore would stay that way but since joining you all here I’m beginning to buckle with that one
That’s a good looking ducati Geoffrey
Thanks John
Thankyou Carr01
Thankyou Gandalf
Morning Gunzenbomz
Thanks Ducbird
Thankyou Ariel
Hi I’ve just recently joined, I have a ‘94 900ss and I’m the third custodian the previous being a doctor from Cambridge who had it from 1995. I...