Hi, This is for @chrisw if he's about. I read on an old thread that you had an 03 999 with an IAW5AM ecu and simply used a 999 map. Would you happen to know which one or have the file? I've been having so much fun since switching over from a 59M with the newer 999s maps and different cam being quite wrong for my 03! If anyone else can help though. Feel free to let me know Hoping you can help! Thanks.
I don’t share my maps. However, if you have the cables for JPDiag/Guzzidiag and an Android device, then invest in TuneECU and use the maps for it. https://tuneecu.net/Ducati_Tune_list.html
Hi I have done all that. They're post 2005 maps. If you or anyone know of one that will work on a pre cam change 999 feel free to let me know. If I end up getting mine dyno'd which is how it is looking, I'll gladly share the map.
Yes, good idea but there's no known stock 03 04 999 map written for an IAW5AM which is why I was interested in what map you were running in your 03 999 with an IAW5AM ecu. I am willing to guess it was custom dyno'd.
I'd hesitate to say that IAW5AM on pre Gen2 999 is probably not viable unless you have a custom tune, reason being that base Gen2 had the Gen1 999S cams so you're not going to find any map to suit non-S cams.
Great work! Would you care to share on https://ecu-repo.spiro-media.de/ to help other people that have retro fitted a 5AM to a std Gen1 999 ?