And I want a yes vote, if only for the massive laughs that it will give seeing how they actually get it working Up the Revolution
Seriously, I'm with finm on this, let 'em 'ave it and see what happens Wonder if we'll see Darling and Salmond on Jeremy Kyle in 18 months ' left me holding the baby'
If they do vote yes, there's no more UK, so what would you call the collective England, Wales, N Ireland and the IOM?
the markets are already speaking the pound is dropping and ducatis and parts will get dearer thanks alex salmond I really appreciate this
I post this for comedic effect. They are not necessarily my views
A right codge up........It's already buggered up anyway....... Perhaps the new Scottish money will be the Haggiseuro
No matter what it looks like half of Scotland will be gutted, what side that is who knows? I'd hope they vote to stay in, but as I said it still means the other half will not be happy.... shame... always a looser in a situation like this.. I know one thing it could be a disaster in the long run but then it may work out well, one thing is for sure its a hell of a gamble!
Ah..........Gun towers...........Scottish built..............(Sorry, I meant Jerry built and not XT either).
So if yes my son could go to UNI there for free as every other bugger from Euroland can but not from England.