1098/848 Pipes Query

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Tobytyke, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. There seems to be many variations on zorsts/slipons for this series, the plan for my hybrid is to mate some 1098 pipes/collector with 916 style cans. I spotted these "stubby" bits which I imagine fit into slipons with stubby little ends. Does anybody have these fitted as there doesn't seem to be an obvious fit/orientation ? If I get them in a position that sort of "looks right" the spring hooks are out of alignment, or are they designed to be used with a different collector? As its all a bit cut & shut it doesn't matter too much I'd just like to know how they are meant to be fitted as standard :Bookworm:





  2. I've a couple of those as well, and you're right there's some variations. I believe the hook configuration depends if they're for slash cuts or not.
  3. Cheers Gary found this pic on line looks like the spring hooks are mean't to be as I've got it :upyeah: also I want to remove the flappy valve thing if I just cut/grind the gubbins off and plate it will the flappy bit drop out of the collector or do I have to slice the pipe up to get it out :Bookworm:

  4. Hammer time!
    Best way I found to get the flapper out;
    Remove all the springs and gubbins from the spigot- non-bike side.
    Grind down the boss/weld/top hat thingy - bike side.
    Smack the spigot bike side with a hammer, this snaps the little rivets holding the flapper on.
    Give it a shake and out it will drop....:upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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