1098 for £2600..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Based in Wexford, Ireland. So is that GBP£ or Euros?

    There has to be something wrong at that price.
  2. I like the look of the 1098R for £5,500 - but only if it's got full history with it!
  3. I want a chooper...
  4. Play your cards right big boy :wink:
  5. I said chooper, not poketbike...
  6. I didn't see that :biggrin:
  7. They were advertising a paul smart for £4000 yesterday too ......... not there now, wonder why ?
  8. I expect someone bought it. Not surprised at that price:biggrin:
  9. Their website is down, I wonder why!
  10. Does that mean I lose the deposit on the ZZR?

    And the GSXR?

    The chooper?

    The 2 poketbikes?

    And the Goldwing..?
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