I have just changed sprockets on my 1098, having opted for Renthal sprockets which include the carrier plate for the rear sprocket. It may be just coincidence but since i,ve altered the gearing i have lost my speedometer reading, (still indicates revs but speed is blank). Am i right in believing the sensor located on the rear caliper picks up a reading from my rear disc, ( which remains standard so should still work)? Just a side note, i am aware of the discrepancy my speedo will give me having altered gearing, but wouldn,t mind seeing something register. Cheers in advance!
The speedo will read exactly the same. The problem will probably be caused by the sensor air gap being altered. The nut that holds the carrier to the axle, also holds the axle in the hub. Check it's tight and/ or assembled correctly... The sensor is mounted on the caliper hanger, the disc is mounted to the axle. Sounds like something hasn't gone back right.