1098r Wiring Help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kato, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Need a bit of help with pin out on 1098R DTC (1198 is different so no good) a massive help would be a photo

    There are two plugs that go to the DTC one is three way the other eight way (may not have 8 wires in it)what i need to know is the loom side plugs orientation (which is pin 1)
    Std wiring diag does not give the detail i need

    I don't have a std DTC unit to offer up only a butchered loom with the plugs missing

  2. I have a standard 1098R DTC unit removed from the bike as I have a Nemesis system fitted.

    I can give you any pictures you want of that unit and plugs if that helps. I can't help with the loom side as the Nemesis system is plugged in and the seat unit is in place.

    Let me know if you need anything. ;)
  3. Sorry Kato, as above, seat on at the moment.
  4. Me too...
    Just goes to illustrate how maintenance unfriendly the seat unit is on a 1098! Now...if it was a 9*6....
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  5. Thanks Gents, after some intense head scratching I may have solved the puzzle !!!
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