Hi all, Finch here with a 1098S on the Hampshire/Dorset border. Hoping this will be my year for a new bike. Torn between a 1299 and V4SF. Realistically even the 1299 will be tricky in these present times, but you need dreams...
Forgot your pictures newbie We like them and pics of your rubbish bins, include your bike if you wish welcome into our mad house
Bike is buried deep in the garage at the moment. (And house is going on the market soon so likely to get buried deeper before it starts to emerge again). Hence the dreaming. Actually, what I'd really like is a 1299 SF but as Ducati wouldn't make one I guess I'd have to build it myself. One day...
The 1299 can be had for about £6k less than a base model Streetfighter V4, and is a great bike. You haven't said if you are set on that much power, if not, don't let snobbery get in the way of finding a nice clean 959 with the correct exhausts on, as it will be an absolutely brilliant fast capable road and trackbike and will get you on the ladder towards that Streetfighter V4