Is one available online? I'm in UAE so can't buy a hard copy [if one even exists]. Need to do a full service as it is well past due.
Have you tried or even the Ducati website itself? I have one for the 1100S which preceded yours (they’re broadly similar bikes, the EVO has ABS iirc) if that’s any help and if you can’t find the exact one you need.
I didn't know of that website. Great resource so thanks for that, but they don't have one for the 1100. I found this: But the dropbox download for the manual doesn't contain much. If you have the 1100S that would be great. I need to do a service, won't be touching the ABS at all, everything else will be the same or very similar. Thanks.
The Dropbox link for your manual does work. Click this download button. Then unzip all of the download contents to a folder. In this folder navigate to - WSM \ EN \ and run Home.HTML in your browser.
hmm. i've tried twice now and when downloading and unpacking from dropbox i only get the pdf and 2 sp_abs files. the wsm folder doesn't download at all. may be the computer i'm using [work firewall] as it gets to 28mb download then finishes, the full things looks to be much bigger.
Hmmm. Strange as this is what I got. It obviously downloaded as a ZIP file. When I unzipped it I got the following list of files, Are you sure you unzipped everything? It's all there in the ZIP file, it's impossible for everything not to be in the package.
By the way, if you run "Main.HTML" in the root folder, you get the options of the workshop manual and parts manuals.
@shirt Looking at the above that’s identical to the format of my manual, perhaps that’s where I obtained mine from I created a shortcut on my desktop to Main html and just click on that when I want to use it. However, when aim back in front of my laptop I’ll see what I can do about transferring it to you. Oh, and welcome to the Forum
Thanks. I've been lurking a short while. Passed my bike test [at 38yrs old] in December, thought an 1100 evo made the ideal starter bike lol. Thanks for the help Robarano. I think it was some kind of firewall issue, maybe due to it containing a .exe file. Managed to download it onto my phone and transfer from there.