1198 Aftermarket Rear Indicator Themleds

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by 911spikeyboy, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. Anyone had any trouble getting after market rear indicator LEDs to work ? .. Just fitted them on my 1198S Corse and nothing happens ! Front ones still flash, tho a lot faster than norm, and there IS power to the new LEDs, but nothing happens either on the alarm switch or with the engine running and indicating. Any help/advice much appreciated. thanks.
  2. Have you installed in line resistors?
    I needed to do that to make them flash correctly however, they did work without them, albeit the rate was too fast.
    Obvious question - have you connected them correctly?
  3. hello mate... black wire to black wire/red to brown. I did try the resistors (ones from Design Corse) but still nothing, tho I didn't fit end plugs and do it "properly" (that's a job for later on !).....
  4. Swap the wire round on one of the rear indicators and see if that one works.
  5. Nothing.. not even a flicker ! (engine not running, just from arm/disarm)..
  6. Plug the original ones back in, do they still work?
  7. No idea but welcome Dave
  8. Wait for it.... have done them both (switched wiring) .. now we have indicators ! too fast, but working ! thanks guys ...
  9. Told you, been there and done it. Mine are also too fast but who cares.
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