1198 help!!!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by mrmulks, May 6, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone,

    This is my first post on here so go easy with me!
    I have got a 1198 on a 2010 plate and I'm having a slight problem at the moment and wanted some advice.

    I was riding to Poole quay last week when all of a sudden my dash went dim and I was unable to indicate or select high beam. The bike was running at over 95 at the time so I thought it might just be heat causing the electrical current to struggle? I checked on a forum and there seems to be a number of possibilities for why this could have happened?
    I have just had the relays in the left hand firing changed as somebody said they can corrode badly, which they were a little however this has not sorted the problem? I was riding along today and it happened again!
    The problem only seems to happen when the bike is hot? I would really appreciate it if anyone else out there who has had this problem could they give me a shout and tell me what they did to sort it out.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated

  2. Reg/rectifier getting too hot and cutting out? Does all power come back once the bike has cooled? I'm sure someone with more knowledge than me will be along shortly.
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