1199 1199 Engine Light Intermittent On And Off

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by MonaMona, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Hey all,

    I’m hoping someone could give some advice. Went out on the 1199 the other week and the EML came on. Crept back to the house and put her away for a few weeks as I had to work abroad. Brings me to today when i finally had the chance to check it over and it was off. Taken it for a ride today and after around 45 mins it came on again. Only then to go back off when I opened her up a bit on the return leg. Probably shouldn’t have but I chanced it as she seemed to be running ok.

    Any ideas what may be happening? Haha or is this a dealer check engine code job I guess?

    cheers in advance
  2. Could be a Map sensor, it happened to mine the other week, really easy fix
  3. I was thinking that too after reading posts on here.
    Do you know which one of yours went? I’ve heard the Vertical is easier to change of the two?
  4. There is no way of knowing without the code reader at the dealer, if it is intermittent I would change both while in there as changing one may appear ok, but then the light comes back on and you start again, neither is that hard to change, we did the hard one at Portimao on @zxstu bike and took 20 mins or so, the retaining bolt at the back is the awkward bit, but otherwise all good .... you only need 3 tools !!!
    • Useful Useful x 2
  5. Took it to the dealers. Vertical map sensor error. Also, my exhaust valve is seized.
  6. thanks for your advice! Hopefully the vertical one is an easy fix
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