Hi, the lower radiator on my 1199 is seeping coolant. Is there a way of fixing this or do I need a new radiator? It seems to be leaking at the very bottom.
There are a myriad of types of radiator sealant available. Maybe somebody on here had experience with it? Usually frowned upon longevity unkown. It looks to be on the seam? There are radiator specialists which can repair leaks but if it is on the seam this may not be possible and a new rad be the only option.
Don't use rad sealer , my ex race Panigale had rad weld or simular in, killed the oil cooler as the waterways are so small it blocked it up, new oil cooler was the only option , just buy a cheap Chinese replacement .
Yes you are correct it looks like it’s on the seam and is seeping out through there. Does any know if it is advisable to use radiator sealant?
I’m on my phone and never seen your post until now. Thanks for your help, I’ll go the Chinese route. Thanks again
Just a update on the leaking radiator, I ordered a chinese one from eBay and installed it. It took me about 3 hours from start to finish. Took the bike out and have done 50 miles and all seems well. It was a good fit and I’d definitely recommend one to anybody who finds themselves in the same situation, a massive saving on the Ducati replacement part. Thanks again for the advice simmytt