I've searched and found one other post about this from 2013, without a real resolution. Whether it's my OCD or I just find it annoying to have exposed holes under the tail where grit and grime can enter, I have been looking for something to plug the holes under my seat where the rear rack supports would go. I don't have the rack or top case and don't intend to buy it. Does anyone know or have experience in finding something to put in these four holes and have it look half descent? I have a 1260S , but I'm sure this would be the same for the 1200 DVT models as well I believe. Thanks.
Why don’t you just put a bolt/fastener in the holes if it bothers you? (I’m sure you can get something short enough so you just see the bolt head)
I fitted a Givi rack system on my Enduro, and I'm fairly sure the holes aren't through-holes, so you won't get crap going inside the seat unit. I had to clean out the threads quite a bit before fitting the Givi thing, so I'd definitely recommend fitting some bolts in there if you want to stop crap getting in them.