1260 1260s Levers

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Ssteve407, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. Has anybody had a problem with the control levers showing signs of corrosion?
    bike has never seen the rain, always washed and dried following a ride out
    reported to Ducati but had no response as yet
  2. Not on my 18 Plate 1260 but had paint bubble and flake off on my DVT levers, Ducati replaced them under warranty when the DVT bike was about 18 months old.
  3. cheers pal, as I live in the Isle of Man (we have no Ducati dealer here anymore!!!!) I am hoping Ducati will post some new levers to me so I can fit them
  4. Not till.40, 000 miles and 3.winters.
  5. Lots of acf tho
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