1199 1299 Geometry Into An 1199?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Brummie, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Anyone know if you can modify the geometry of an 1199 to match the 1299?
    Maybe headstock bearing / insert and swing arm pivot?
    I recently rode a 1299 on track and thought the steering was sweeter and more natural and it held it held a line better than the 1199.
    (It's not like the 1199 is slow and it'd cost a lot to upgrade to a 1299)
  2. Yes, it's a pretty cheap job to change the headstock bearings the 1/2 degree difference. Your dealer will be able to give you the part numbers for the 1299 bearings.Snell Performance in Alton did the headstock bearing on my 1199S and I have rode the 1299 on track and they are much the same for turning and holding their line. You may find having a proper suspension setup could make a big difference if you have not already done it?

    The swing arm pivot is a much bigger and more expensive job that is (in my opinion) not worth the trouble. The swingarm on the 1299 is -4mm lower than on the 1199 but it's more for traction coming out of corners than steering or holding the line from what I can gather. I've not tried comparing the two settings on my R yet as I've got my hands full getting used to the bike so can't say from experience yet.
    #2 Monners, Sep 2, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
  3. Thanks for the prompt and comprehensive reply - very helpful!
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  4. Fancy doing this myself
  5. Get the 1199R and set it to the latest preferred geometry....:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:
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