1299 1299 Or 1299s

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Owen O'Neill, May 20, 2015.

  1. Hi All

    Moving over here having totalled a MTS1200 in a fight with a Deer.

    I bought the MTS thinking I wanted something tourer'ish having come from a Fireblade. I ended up hitting a deer after only 600 miles and the bike has been written off so I've decided to go back to a sports bike and have a deposit on a 1299 in stock which I am colecting on the 1st June to take to the TT.

    Having looked for various reports and reviews, I can only see reviews of the 1299S, as clearly thats what Ducati let the press loose on. All well and good, but I wouldn't mind hearing some first world reports on the standard bike, especially in relation to low speed riding in town, heat soak and general suspension for day to day "real world" riding. I rode a 1199 and found it pretty hard work for just cruising around on, especially compared to the very "boring" ( for want of a better word), perhaps user friendly would be better, Fireblade. My other option was a new R1, but I've always lusted after the Panigale.

    Any tips on accessories I should be getting from the outset ( other than R&G Tail tidy)

    I hoping to strap a small bag to the back for the trip to the TT and hoping the seat won't crucify me on the 5 hour trip to the ferry.

    Thanks all.

    #1 Owen O'Neill, May 20, 2015
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  2. Around town at slow speeds you'll want to burn it. Get it out on a fast road and you'll want to marry it. Can't really say much more than that!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Cant speak for the 1299 but the 1199 does not do slow
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Why?
  5. Thanks for the replies so far. What about the 1299 v 1299s debate which is where my main query was

    Thank you
  6. Took a 1299 out a few weeks ago for just over two hours. Went through a village, main town in dire traffic, a roads, dual carriageway and motorway, then again in reverse.
    No problem in any conditions and the clutch is light in traffic.
    Bike doesn't hunt at 5/6 mph like an 1199. In short snail speed or stolen speed it didn't falter. Only time I had a butt clench was when it pissed down and I was on gas and it snaked a bit but the electronics kicked in.
    Down shifter is good, and overall the gear box is the best on anything I've ridden to date.
    Think when they do it in another colour I'll buy.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Had the base 1299 since April , 1850 miles on & second set of tyres , owned the base 1199 previously , To say i'am happy with it is an understatement , so much easier to crack on with , enjoyed me 11 but the new 12 is way way better , base suspension good enough for me does the job very well .
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  8. Like most Ducati sports bike they make far more sense the faster they go.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Hi
    Look at Kriega for the tail pack...they do specific fittings for the Panigale to hold their bags.
    Bulletproof kit.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Can you carry a pillion on 1299?
  11. Yes, but it's a longer process with the new tail unit compared to the old one on the 1199
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Can you guys please advise me :) not trying to be funny just come from new generation zzr 1400 and put down a deposit for new multi as I like two up riding too.
    I do commute , sometimes do little weekend tours 200 miles max. Some sport riding .
    I really like the ducati Vtwin is calling me back used to have a diavel before my zzr1400.

    I heard that 1299 more friendly riding and more wind protection and better fuelling then 1199. Will I be happier on 1299 , zzr was lovely but it was top heavy in traffic and two up.
  13. I ended up buiying the 1299 and taking the 1299 S to the TT.

    I got my 1299 on Monday 1st June and managed to squeeze 300 miles onto it before leaving on Wednesday 10th ( busy week!)

    When I left my house on the 10th the bike started misfiring due to a dodgy plug lead and as a result the exhaust overheated, setting light to the plastics under the bike. the flames took quite dramatically but thankfully went out shortly after parking up.

    Thankfully Riders in Bristol came straight out and gave me their 1299S to take to the TT while they fixed mine. (excellent servcie) I did 800 miles on it in many conditions, motorways, over the mountain, towns etc.

    verdict - lovely bike but i dont think I would see the value in the additonal 4k or so and unless youre a high level rider its prob worth saving the 4k.

    Should get mine back this week!
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