I¿m still going to drive: What defiant motorist Shiad Mahmoon told court that banned him for speeding | Mail Online So, if you have previous motoring convictions and are known drug dealer, caught at 165mph, take £515 to court with you. Oh and don't forget to ridicule the driving ban. I feel less worried about being caught speeding now.
He's obviously an intelligent and hard working young man, who's a pillar of society, to be able to afford such a prestigious car at such a young age. This was obviously a mistake, and he has been wronged. Or not as the case may be.
Unemployed, rents an R8 spyder for fun, comes to court with £500 in cash, previous for drug supply.......
If he kills someone next time he's in a car, that magistrate will have some answering to do. "Catch me if you can" - they should, and impose something like 1 month in prison for each 1mph he goes over the limit, and / or 1 month in prison for each yard he drives while still banned.
A clear case for the application of Sharia Law me thinks, chop off a few bit's until unable to drive. :smile:
Tool Im sure the Police will be very much aware of him, so when they do catch him and they will, probably just driving to the shops, he'll get done again and again and again and again etc. Saying that, it will just be a fine, some more useless points and another ban, which no doubt he'll ignore
As said above, bikers have gone to jail for less....or is that the courts protecting is from ourselves?! arrogant twat
'Contempt of court' means violating an order or injunction of a court, or disobeying or abusing a court to its face. It does not mean just committing a crime, failing to follow a precedent, or breaking the law generally.
It also covers being disrespectful to the courts authority. You are banned from driving (again), " I will carry on driving-catch me if you can" = disrespectful to the courts authority. Disruption of the proceedings may also be used as contempt of court, back chatting the judge etc.
I would have thought that if the reporting is to be believed the comment he made directed at the magistrates would have been classed as a contemptuous comment and as such would by it's very nature been contempt of court'Unemployed Mahmoon shrugged off the road ban as he stepped down from the dock, saying: ‘I’m still going to drive – catch me if you can.’ Read more: I¿m still going to drive: What defiant motorist Shiad Mahmoon told court that banned him for speeding | Mail Online Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Thing is, if I had been previously found guilty of careless driving, driving whilst disqualified and drug dealing then found myself in court facing a speeding charge at 165mph in a hired supercar yet had no obvious means of paying for it as I am unemployed, I would be taking my pyjamas with me SURELY? This moron not only walks free but gives the judge a gob full on his way out. I would like to know why. Maybe worth referring to if you find yourself in court on a speeding charge.
With it being splashed all over the media I guess it wont be long until he is getting his collar felt again. I doubt he will be so cocky then
I bet he is glad he had not hired a bike, if he had, he would have been able to look forward to getting ass-raped during a three year prison stay, never mind a ban!
Audi R8 Hire | Premiere Velocity So if he's only hired it for one day, he's had to put down, near as makes no difference, £3,000 - that's a lot for someone out of work and with no visible means - those invisible means are also probably the reason his means-tested fine was so light...