Hey everyone. I ripped the fender off and installed the integrated taillight from Italo Shop (which is very cool btw), and now I want to figure out the best way to mount my plate. I don't care about lights, legibility, legality, vertical vs horizontal, etc. I just want to be able to point and say hey I have a plate. I saw someone online do the vertical set up between the two stock cans but it is unclear how he mounted that up. I have also seen someone mount it on the y pipe of the stock exhaust, but my gut said zip ties but afraid they would melt. I am going to be stock cans for a bit and then go SC scr-1 for what it is worth. Thanks for any suggestions!
I think with some metalworking skills it would be easy to use the stock mounts to hang a plate that hangs more vertically and protrudes less horizontally while still clearing the cans. In the UK we have plates the size of barn doors so I don't think it would look neat. I have a slightly smaller plate than legal and it will still look a bit messy. I never thought of using the y-piece though. Could something be done with extra pipe clamps used to support a welded or bolted-on mount?