Featured (1990) 851 Sp2 In France

Discussion in '851 / 888' started by Guillaume69, Jun 30, 2024.

  1. Brought this beauty back home today! AA4DC0CA-E26B-47A9-BF42-B5904A6DB006.jpeg
    Frame: ZDM888S*000173*
    Engine: ZDM888W4*000130*
    Built 13/02/1990
    First registered in Austria. Spent two decades in Germany (10 years in a museum) and was imported in France in early 2020. I became the 5th owner yesterday.
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    It’s in near mint original condition… I have already put the correct (OEM) Vitaloni round mirrors on (sourced last month in Japan). Typical 1988-1990 era bikes. Love it! 7964E540-CFF9-43BB-9C7B-F951D95A9998.jpeg

    Sil Motor carbon high cans will stay on as I find them terrific. But the OEM low cans (A08/B08) came in the sale. 9BEBB73D-DAD0-4DDD-9D42-113572C36930.jpeg 09DB4C48-8870-42ED-B8CD-C1C4F6A6971E.jpeg FD42DA05-9454-400C-9932-84E4C9CC6B47.jpeg

    And as I was waiting since May to collect the bike (located on the other side of the country), I was able to gather relevant original documents. 5741F7A9-3312-4534-A4EF-1AEFBF2F6C25.jpeg

    Next in my do-list:
    - Ride.
    - MOSFET r/r (it’s already equipped with a LiFePO4 Shido battery)
    - Ride some more.
    - Big starter cables from Exact Start.
    - Continue to ride.

    Feeling good tonight !
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  2. I'm not surprised your feeling great tonight, you lucky bastard.:upyeah:
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  3. Wow gorgeous :heart_eyes:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Superb :heart_eyes:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Wonderful. Well done and keep the 851 and 888 love going!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Magnifique! Elle est très très belle :cool:
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Lovely!
    Any more pics of the Peugeot?
    • Funny Funny x 5
  8. So, so very jealous! Congratulations!
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  9. @RickyX

    That little Peugeot 206 Quicksilver is an absolute blast and its 2.0 HDI engine is absolutely perfect for towing old bikes on long cross country journeys. :D

    I also have two 306s. One convertible and one Roland Garros. I absolutely love them!
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  10. I bet you were slightly miffed there was nothing to clean.... :D:p
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  11. Yes… and no.
    First, I drove 5h under heavy rain to bring it back , so there was some surface cleaning to do.
    Then, I will have to clean the chain, to get rid of the grease and replace it with dry Lube.

    So that’s that. But you’re right, this has to be the cleanest used bike I’ve ever bought…
    #11 Guillaume69, Jul 1, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024
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  12. And a mighty fine steed it looks to be too... joking aside one thing a surface clean does do is make you look over the whole machine which helps in discovering any minor issues or loose bits & bobs etc.

    Enjoy :motorcycleduc:
    #12 Andy Bee, Jul 1, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. That’s exactly what I did and I did find a couple loose screws in hidden corners. :upyeah:;)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. Lovely!

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. Super nice!
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  16. Went for my first ride this morning. It was just a very short 40km loop around the house, but plenty enough to get a taste of it.

    Holy sh@t ! That thing hauls @ss like a mofo… Get to a steady 7000 and twist the right handle and you’ll feel like Neil Armstrong riding the Saturn rocket to the moon. The induction noise in the air box is literally deafening! It’s an amazing sensation, really, and the rear seat pad is there for a reason. Not just for decorating the tail.

    I also slapped an antique black plate which really looks good on this bike. E6F9B821-7B5D-49EC-88D4-D64059DF17EA.jpeg
    • Like Like x 13
  17. Even the car has a semi erection, manufacturers that think outside the box.:upyeah:
  18. They're fun right !? And much faster than you imagine they're going to be.

    Honestly they're basically a comfy 916....

    She's a real beauty too... Very clean. Nice job
    • Like Like x 1
  19. I would argue that the 916 ergonomics are better. I never felt like I could fall off the bike under hard acceleration on the 916 (and believe me, the 916 SP3 hauls real hard above 9000 rpm…) I feel physically « integrated » into it.
    When I twisted the right handle on the 851, it felt like it was surging forward without me. Literally screaming « Hold on tight if you want to survive this! ». The feeling is absolutely exhilarating… :D
    • Like Like x 1
  20. A friend lent me his 851 SP3, I think it’s the bike that caused the greatest impression of any bike I’ve ridden in more than 50 years of riding. It simply felt as if everything was exactly as I wanted it to be.

    Enjoy it :upyeah:
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