1998 Ducati Monster 750 Viewed Today

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Plezier, May 31, 2024.

  1. Looked at this 750 Monster at an importer/dealer in Sofia this afternoon have been eyeing on the web and it looked quite good however it does not look as nice in the flesh these are from their advert:-


    Thought those spots were sparkle reflections but nope they are spots of paint missing.


    Now that car type ciggy lighter socket is a right bodge and a real mess see here:-


    Hmmmm nice!


    Tank seems OK petrol cap has some slight corrosion on it.


    You cannot see the corrosion, chipping and staining of the frame here but check here:-


    Now I realise that it's 26 years old so am I expecting too much or is this pretty normal?


    Rear tyre is almost on the wear marks and could not find the DOT date marking and the front tyre has tread but it's starting to crak up so again a pair of new tyres required and already priced them up for Dunlop GPR 300 at just under 200 Euro the pair and that is just supply not fitting.


    Front brakes look to be fine and forks are not showing any leaks the rear pads need replacing as they look rather thin to me.

    Now this one started on the button I did notice however that the left muffle moved about a lot and the alloy foot hanger alloy bracket seems to have quite a bit of movement the rubber mounting bushes look a little odd to me:-


    Need replacing?

    Although it is listed at a higher price I can probably buy it for the same price they have the Blue/Silver 600 listed for but of course this one is NOT registered and that means a trailer, van or getting it delivered and that adds more expense and of course it will need going over and servicing.

    The thing is that I do like the Monster and I get used to riding again after all the handlebars can alway be raised a bit and the niggles like that butcher instrument pod can be replaced later in fact a strip down over the winter could mean getting the frame/swingarm and possibly even the front mudguard repainted along with maybe some engine covers.

    So this one is a contender just wish could get the price down a mite more.

  2. i hope it well cheap as you will constantly be replacing stuff and repairing bits, trying getting a load off the price

    ducati bits get expensive real quick
  3. Well the plan would be to get a S/H intrument pod, only need the outer am thinking, new gear change rubbernow that cannot be dear!! Pair of new handle bars grips not sue apart from service stuff what else is would need?

    Have not priced up cam belts here but if it comes to can get the posted from the UK.

    As for price drop they are resistant to that likewise warranties no way hose despite it being against EU law!!! The price that has been offered is around £1400 ..... is that cheap enough?

  4. I wouldn't touch it. In my opinion waiting for a better one for a higher price is going to be much cheaper. To make nice will cost more than the price of the bike very quickly.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Hmmm well sadly I am not in a position to spend lots more to get a nice one the budget is limited you would probably call is laughable but it is what it is time is also limited if we waited until there is a better budget that wold probably mean next year and funny as it may be but am not getting younger. Right now having a breather as been crawling on the floor re-fitting the hydragas spheres to my MGF and it take far more out of getting up off the floor again than perhaps it should back and knees don't appreciate it much.

    Another thing is that is does not have to be pristine like it just came out of the showroom new. While I may like it to look a bit nicer but if it comes to it as there will be no riding in the winter the frame, swing arm could be repainted maybe even engine outer casings could fix up some heat in the barn/garage with one of the sports cars gone there will be room get a local chap that does car bodywork repairs to spray it in his booth his rates are fair.

    Understand where you coming from but am not in that postition myself heck saw a pristine Triumph Triple in the place I bought my helmet but the price is over three times what I have to spend.

  6. What I'm trying to say is that this pile of junk is going to cost you lots of money just to keep it running. If you're budget is tight, this is the last bike you want. You'll spend all you have and won't be able to ride it because it will break down all the time.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. From the exterior condition, it seems that little or no care and maintenance has been done to the bike for a longtime. I'd imagine that probably means it hasn't been treated too well generally and its unlikely to have been serviced with oil changes, filters etc.

    Are older Ducati parts easily found in Bulgaria? The cosmetic issues are not too difficult to restore imo especially since you have friends who can do it for you. I'd be far more concerned about what you can't see...

    Now all that said, I'm a real fan of the Monster and own a 900 - they're great bikes!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Sorry am not with you are you suggesting that Ducati's are unreliable?

    As I cannot see how some tatty paint on the frame would make it unreliable and yes the budget for buying a bike is fairly small after all it's a toy!! For transport there are the cars and being 26 years old the 750 is going to need a bit of care all older vehicles do!

    Now I can understand that the Ducati's ignition my be a little suspect with age and have been looking at this sort of thing and found that there is a system that replaces the Ducati twin units with a modern single unit that plugs straight in although it can use the original coils it is better to replace with new ones to make best use of the new unit. Am thinking this might be a suitable upgrade to get and fit over the winter

    Dealing with old vehicles and their componants is why I am refreshing the suspension on my 1999 MGF the gas pressure had dropped a lot leaving the suspension hard and fairly ungiving. In fact I put the spheres back in this morning need to get a length of tubing to get some hygragas fluid into the top of the sphere before connecting up the pipes to refill the system and pressurise it.

    Anyway no decision has been made as yet as have another couple of Monsters to look at ...... a 600 on Monday then need to make arrangements to get away for a few hours to go look at a 900 that is 90 km away the 600 is about 3/4 hour drive away.
  9. Hmmm easily obtained that am not sure of but there are some of this vintage being broken for parts and then there are resources like ebay in Europe and the UK.

    Now I understand your concern about the obvious neglect and these bikes are bought for places where they most likely have been left for some in a shed, garage, lean too of even just outside some may come from auctions but many will come from disposal sales I am thinking well those in my price range will no doubt. No matter what bike I get it will get a good going over and service just like happened to the car that was bought last December. As for teh painter he is not a friend in fact have never met him but the nephew used him to repair his pick up after he backing into the walnut tree outside the house which is how I know that his rates are good and the work looked good as well. Might not be young now but am pretty sure that am able to lift the frame off the engine in a strip down. At that point the question is do we repaint as standard or change the frame colour, not black, possibly Orange to match the tank but we are getting ahead of ourselves first have to actually get a bike to play with.

  10. Sounds like you have made up your mind, and that a good thing! Personally I'd be a little wary of adding a lot more orange, but its your bike!

    This is how mine looks now.

    • Like Like x 4
  11. Your Money, your choice.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Old proverb say:-

    Pai Mei.jpg

    "No such thing as a cheap Ducati!"
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Very nice indeed :cool: :p the chequering flag bit on the tank was that a Ducati factory thing or did you have it done? Have been wondering about that on the 750 too. Well it's Monday here now though It's still dark being silly o'clock (04:00) dog wanted to go out and woke me up and today it's off the the city, well it's 10 km or so past it really to look at another Monster a 620 from 2002 this time:-




    In the photos the paint looks in better condition but we shall see when can see it in person. So we have not settled on any as yet themore I think on it the more I see that the Orange 750 must have suffered quite serious neglact to get into that state. The 620 has suffered from some neglect as the seller says that there is some rust in the tank which will need dealing with but as this is the cheapest of the all there is money left in the budget to deal with this.

    Have also been offered a 2002 Black (again) 900 Monster that has been laid up in the garage for two years and will be goingto take a look at that possibly on Wednesday :-



    The frame paint looks fine in these though not sure how my back will like those clip ons. Unless th 620 really jumps out at me then this needs serious considration the ad says :-

    !The bike has not been ridden since 2022.
    It is in a garage.

    The oil is to be changed.
    New import, purchased 2022.
    Date of production 2002.
    With new clutch,
    new electric. installation,
    and a new battery which has been removed
    /to be stored/.
    New chain and good tires.!

    Now reading this am assuming that the new electric is probably the recticier/regulator (understand that did fail) the new clutch puzzles me as to why it would need on at only 20,000 km. Did someone hammer it? Has it been raced hence the dropped bars (Clip ons) new chain that can understand need the check tyres age of course and for cracking.

    As for the Orange on the 750 well my last bike was bright yellow, Guards, Tank, Frame,dummy oil tank that held the electrics only the engine and wheels were black what can I say I like bright coloured bikes :D .

    • Like Like x 1
  14. Ahhhh not heard that before but can understand it little as have a car that can be said the same thing about! Will be putting that car up for sale soon the room it takes up will do for the bike now I really like that sportscar but it is not that easy to get into and out of not only is it low but the doors do not open very wide it is also very difficult to get bits for here as it seems it is the only one in the country and as I have my MGF sportscar still that am just putting back on the road after a suspenion overhaul and can get in and out of that much easier it seems to make sense.

    Now so far have only found one Motorcycle dealer in the area there must be others but where the nearest Ducati place it have not idea at present and cheap is also relative my MGF was cheap as it needed lots of TLC and in the end it was not cheap at all have had it 9 years now the TVR Chimeara was fairly cheap compared to many others as to Ducati cheapness well once I finally get one we shall find out as unless it has a good service history it will get a good one from belts to fork oil.

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