Monster/Monster+ 1998 Monster600 With 9000km Only

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Plezier, May 30, 2024.

  1. OK no it seems that is not a typo the owner says that he has owned it since 2007 but it has not been used since 2018/2018 so sat in his garage for the last five or so years. It's bog standard unaltered they have just put a new battery on it and it's running a couple of people have viewed it but hopefully the recommisioning has put them off.

    Now is it just me or does riding this bike without putting in new belts, oil, filter on a 250km trip back home and on what are probably tyre from 1998 or possibly 2007 seem like a not very clever thing to do?

  2. some bits are controversial so I will PM you.
  3. For me I would take the covers off and look at the belts and ride it home if they weren’t looking bad. I did with my M900 it had been sat in a garage for a little over 2 years where the owner could not access.

    I then rode it for a couple of thousand mile with no issue engine wise.

    It depends on how risk adverse you are at the end of the day.

    I also did the same with a 749 that had been stood a while but that was just for starting in the garage it only went out on the road when the belts were changed.
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  4. Well am looking at it tomorrow though it cannot come home tomorrow as it's needs to go for it's technical inspection and we need to make an appointment with a notary to do the ownership change and chances of getting all that done in a day are nil! So depending on we find tomorrow and assuming we agree a deal then I will drive home and go back when all else is arranged and if it looks good maybe get the bus and then ride it home or go the van or trailer route we shall see. Need to check bus and train times.

    (I did with my M900 it had been sat in a garage for a little over 2 years)

    Ahhh but this has sat for over FIVE years and it's been barely used before that will be taking a small socket set so we can have a peak at the belts.

    Now it's getting almost real there are some other things that had better get like chain care stuff rear stand and once the deal is done the suff to service it will see if we can at least drop the old oil and fill with fresh before riding 250+km on it home. Nothing more can really be decided on until tomorrow when it is in front of me.

  5. you have said, the more pictures you have the better, we don't know on this Forum having not seen them! Chain could be junk for example.
  6. Ahhhh if this works this is the advert and the FOUR photos:-

    It needs a good clean as it's dull and dusty. Shame it's so faras there is a Red 2002 one advrtised a bit further towards the boarder that looks worth a look but that would make it around 12 hours of driving.

  7. no offence meant Plezier, But can't you take a picture from the website, and then relay the pictures in your photos to here? I know there is a slight quality drop, but it might be easier . I was just about to sign up to cookies that I couldn't even read!:) :upyeah:
  8. Now you know why I struggle with the language LOL Ok so tried to copy the image and wow it worked I think:-





    That seems to have worked.... you might have guessed by now that I sm not the most puter savvy person.Hope that helps.

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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. that looks pretty decent to me! impossible to say for sure but I think the chain will be okay. It has a desirable aluminium swinging arm on it which is nice.
  10. Wow thank you I did not evenknow they could have alloy swinging arms and thought there was only one type offered o_O :rolleyes: silly me should have realised that was not Ducati's way :dizzy: .:scream: He said it would possible to give it a short test ride am guessing looking at the map that would be in his quiet residential street.

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  11. Just so you are aware
    I had a M600 sat in my garden for 12 months and she did not want to start at all.
    A biker friend of mine came and got her going I forget what he did as it's a very long time ago.
  12. It’s the flipping alphabet too. ;)
  13. Looks like it needs some love. Has been down the road on the right side; scratched exhaust, broken brake lever and bent brake pedal are visible. But for less than £1,300 it's eminently affordable and leaves money in the bank to make her what you want her to be. So long as the bike is fundamentally sound and you're happy with doing/getting dome any remedial work then it looks like a cost effective way to get onto a Ducati.
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  14. Well he claims that is was running last week but it certainly didn't want to play today. Eventually got it running and I did get to ride it around his apartment complex. Bit tight in the turns but managed to get into 3rd. There are issues though I will put up a post covering it all as actually looked at TWO Monsters this 600 and a 750.
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  15. Am sorry to say it needs more than a little bit of love and I amanaged to look over a 750 Monster of the same vintage that could be had for the same price as the asking price of the 600.

  16. OK here it is first the Blue/Silver 600 with photos:-

    Firstly the story face to face was not the same that was given over the phone he now got the bike in 2010 and not 2007 the mileage on the clock is 43,763 km and not 7000 km now perhaps there is a mishap in the translating and some confusion creeping in but that is a bit of stretch for me to swallow as they claim he spent 20 years living and working in the US and has US citizenship!! The only thing that I can remotly think of that may relate to this 7000 km is that i the actual mileage he did on it as the claim is that he only used it to a from work which is like 3 miles for home with the occasional ride out wiht the wife. Now bearing in mind the actual mileage the service issue becomes more important and he still claims that he has not done or had done the valve clearences. When asked he did say that he did or had done the cam belts but not when and then there is the fact that two bolts are missing from the front cover and there is a small crack from the bolt hole for the lower rear bolt hole.

    In fact is that even the correct cover? he did say he changed it but that top bolt hole does not look like it has any thread to go into!

    Despite the claim that is was running last week it simply would not start I was with it and them for around 2/12 hours this afternoon after him mucking about with taking the plugs out then putting them back in eventually I had had enough and suggested we actually remove the plugs and check to see if they were producing a spark and you guessed it nope and very weak. Now he said he had some other plugs so rummages about and found 2 or 3 dity plugs. I put one in the rear cyclinders cap and got a shock off the cap but no visible spark. So swapped it for one of the others and nope no joy then tried another and YES we now have a spark I was going to do the same with the front but he put the rear plug in and put the cap on then removed the front plug and when the engine was spun over to check for spark blow me down it fired up on one cyclinder so turned it off and put the front plug in and it's now running.

    It has been noted by members that the front brake lever is broken, the rear brake is very spongy and just about retards the bike, one of the throttle cables is broken it's the one closest to the rider at the twist grip and it's the carb end that broke. The throttle itself is very jerky makes slow manouvers awkward and add in that have not been on a bike for 20 odd years compounds it. 20240531_123426.jpg



    Am wondering as to why that rocker arm is rubbing and on what?


    Stand is the self retracting type.


    So there you have it have priced up new tyres they come in at 110 euro rear and 86 euro front that's Dunlop GPR 300 then theres that cam cover that does not seem correct, front brake lever, rear brake lever , and what amounts to a major service what with that mileage and I cannot put my finger on it but something just does not seem right!
  17. rocker arm is rubbing on the seat, some of them do that. At least one of mine did - had 5 altogether., every size except M400.

    Rear cylinder has been removed at some point, and suspicious looking non-std sealant splurging out of one side of bottom of barrel. Have to say, mileage does look low generally.
    Brake lever can be carefully bent back cold - have done many without them snapping.

    I would take 750 over 600. The 750 in Monster, SS and Elefant was always the best overall.
    #17 Chris, May 31, 2024
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  18. Thanks Chris was just going over what I found and saw with my nephew and have come to the decision that the 600 is out. Have just finished the post a new thread about the 750 and managed to haggle a bit off bringing it down to the same as the Blue/Silver one is listed at. The 750 has been over at some point as there is some scuffing.

    Oh yes got to look at a couple of Multistrada's the 620 in my price range looked fine unless you looked at it's top fairing ................ man what a mess. Oh boy is that seat wide on them!!!

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