For "not the brightest" a great first video, loved the banter! ... Twat!! ...Brilliant! Nice one my son indeed.
You forgot to turn your indicators that green flashing light was distracting me What's with the blue 125 :Smuggrin: Not impressed with the swearing I nearly turned it off :Stop:
Made me giggle in some places like your open pockets Great first attempt though Oh a great lifesavers too
Wasn't that the low fuel indicator flashing? More familiar with the use of the queens English than the workings of a Suzuki. Simply inspiring.
It was the fuel light flashing queens english didn't realize i swore so much , another new years resolution .... stop swearing
Excellent first recording, I was expecting you to talk in Victor Meldrew's voice though. Thought I spotted some dangerous tailgating within the footage until I had a closer look at the Mercedes
^ only personal opinion but "in this day and age" I would delete above on YouTube as speed display clearly visible. I know it isn't double the limit or anything but keep reading about people being back-tracked and prosecuted due to video evidence. (I hadn't heard/watched whole of vid at this point :Facepalm I suspect you probably don't give a fook though :Wideyed: