.......Until I break up for Christmas. Not a lot planned except food and booze, but I can't wait. Would be nice if it was summer though and I could get some bike time in. :frown:
let us know how you enjoy your holidays looks like i might not be getting much, people always seem to leave it to the last freeking minute to book in.
Travel home xmas eve, home xmas day and then off for at least 4 weeks, maybe longer if I don't get another job, although work haven't accepted my notice yet.
One more day in the office tomorrow and WFH Friday, then off till the New Year! Can't wait!!... Not for Christmas, just having time off!... First year that I didn't go on a single Christmas party!!.... WOOHOO!!
Finished Friday , not back till the 6th , but its even betterer for me than you chumps because the missus isn't off , he he kapoosh.
mine neither. :tongue: Tis a very sore point in our house. hehehe...gtaV in me pants for a fortnight. woohooo!
Seriously I would love to think I could do the Insanity thing , but last year I thought I'll get on the pushbike and do road/offroad stuff. I did it for a month or so and the shape of my legs were threatening to change , (you know inner thighs ) and I thought cool ,,, did the manly thing of admiring myself in the mirror , then ...... gave up because Im too firkin lazy really. Sorry wrong thread Cluey through me because he was so rude, and impatient.
Finish on Friday and not back to the 7th woohooooo. Will be going to Dallas on Monday and won't be back until next year :biggrin:
well finish this friday and go back on the 6th no plans other than living the insanity called family christmas :biggrin: