2 multistrada 1200s and pikes peak

Discussion in 'Ducati Spotted' started by P4ULG, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Spotted a 1200 in red parked at the greenwelly stop about 12:30 and a Pikes peak on the a82 Loch Lomond side heading north about 13:00.
  2. I was at the Greenwelly about that time today Multi 1200s parked next to my mates green Kawasaki 1000sx. Back home in Preston, Lancs now :)
  3. Yup that was the one Steve.
    A black n green kawa?
    I was passing through on route home but unfortunately was in the jeep rather than bike this time.
    Where were you visiting up here in gods country ? Did you enjoy the roads ?
  4. Yes black and green kawa. Been coming up for years usually for a week camping but only managed 4 days this time. Love the roads and scenery up there. Usually go up into the highlands and west coast but only managed Mallaig, Kyle of Localsh and Fort William this time. Rain spoilt play although yesterday was a cracking day. Will try again next year! :upyeah:
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