Would quite like one of these. If you have one that you are selling then send me a message. Thanks P.S. Id post this in the sale and wanted but apparently that is a privilege I do not have yet.
Two hopes... Bob Hope and No Hope... Last one I saw for sale was on eBay last year and had been turned in to a fake Senna rep. Haven't seen one in ages, unless of course someone pops up who has one and suddenly decided your offer is appealing ;-)
They were never even known as Senna bikes were they? Just A N Other Ducati attempt to knock out a few more sales. I remember seeing one pass my office daily and thinking its a nice scheme. Also a 2001 red one was my first ever bike... perfect for a newbie ) Oh well I am in no real rush and guess I could turn to Europe if I really wanted one.
Yeah, never actually a Senna model as VtwinDave said, another example of Ducati trying something maybe a few years to early (the Matt paint), now every bl**dy bike seems to have matt paint. They looked good though in the flesh
Welcome David. You need to post at least ten times to get privileges for the wanted section, and you need to be a subscriber to sell something.
Have one painted. Although matt clearcoat is a bugger if you get a dirt inclusion in the painting process, as you can't polish it.
I saw one for sale somewhere a few days ago. Was 6000€,but don’t find it back right now. I try to,find it. And that is right,they are NOT senna’s Henk!!!
Not the one i saw for 6000€,but here is another one for sale in belgium. https://www.2dehands.be/motoren/motoren/ducati/ducati-748-senna-412678659.html Henk!!!
Ok thanks all! I have owned had quite a few special Ducs over the years but sadly credit crunch and divorce stripped me of all of them. The last to wheel out the garage was a 94 Foggy bike a few years back. Since then I have had a Porsche habit which is far worse. Think the ship has sailed price wise to get a 955 back again, especially my old one which apparently resides with some guy in scotland without a bike licence who will never need to sell it (P955 COP). But i'd like a grey 748S, a really clean and original yellow 748SP, red 916SP (first generation), 998R and perhaps a white 848 and the last of the Panigale R that wasnt the FE (but they confuse me!). That should do it just need to win the lottery and stop buying expensive cars
We are all David’s and davebird in this mad house We like pics of bins and bike please it’s a forum law