1200 2013 1200s - Screen - Wind Blast

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Stavrich, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Hi all,
    Very new to Ducati - first ride ever on my MTS1200S (2013 - 2nd Gen? ) today and I am looking for a solution to wind blast.

    No matter of the screen position I get a lot of wind blast in front of my shoulders by the armpits.

    Also as I tend to wear my gloves inside the sleeves (stop rain getting in the gloves) I was getting a lot of wind through the sleeve into my arm and although it was a nice sunny day today my arm got really cold and had to put the gloves over the sleeves - not ideal if its raining.

    Any advice how to resolve these two issues will be appreciated
  2. Stavrich there's a load of stuff on here about screens, wind blast and buffeting, have a search, but it appears to me after reading all the posts, there ain't no cure :pensive:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Proper jacket, proper helmet and a pikes peak screen....feel the wind.
    Alternatively get a scooter.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. My shoulders caught the blast until I got the winglets (search the forum for them). Now, with a touring screen it only catches the top of my helmet. If I add an adjustable lip it should be fully cured for me. As is I'm good to about 80
  5. How tall are you? I'm 6'2" - seems as though height may be a factor in terms of where the turbulence from the screen ends up. My 2013 S Touring now wears a Pikes Peak style screen, instead of the Touring screen. Way more wind blast at motorway speeds but it's soooooo much quieter. I ride with earplugs, but the difference is on a motorway run I don't have to turn my intercom up so much.

    If I was doing a longer run I'd probably put the Touring screen back on for comfort. But for day to day riding the PP screen is a big improvement.

    I've read elsewhere about spacers designed to move the Touring screen forward. Apparently this makes a big difference, but I've not tried it myself yet.
  6. #6 Twin4me, Mar 1, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
  7. Just what I'm after but how much!!! Bit pricey for what it is don't you think?
  8. They do come up S/H on eBay sometimes. They aren't cheap, but it is a real quality product...

    Picture of it on tour:
  9. I am 5' 8" tall and my helmet is an Arai Quantum. I get most of the wind on my shoulders and underneath my armpits (I dont mind the noise or the wind on my helmet - used to it when riding my Sprint ST 955i).

    I think wing deflectors will be of help but I cannot find any. I contacted Eagle Screens Australia who manufacture them for the pre 2012 model. This was the reply :-
    " There hasn't been enough demand nor do I have access to two fairings to develop them.
    Regards, John

    I guess they might reconsider if more ask for it.
  10. I got mine from someone on this forum. Quite easy to get some 3D printed as there's nothing to them really.
  11. Stavrich I have owned a mutley for three years and in that time have not found a solution to buffeting and wind blast I've read all the stuff on here as you are probably going to do but at the end of the day as Broke said there is no real cure. I will say though that with the screen fully down I experience less wind blast .
  12. I do a lot of motorway miles and if I had a deflector at the top, I think mine would be fine. If I crouch down an inch or two, it hushes right up.

    I currently have the winglets, Aztec spacers and a touring screen.
  13. I guess I will have to go through all the trials and tribulations ( lets no forget the expense) like most of you and hope for the best.
    I will experiment with spacers first - diy style as non made for the 2013-14 - first stop B&Q :grinning:.
    Thanks to all
  14. ;)
    #14 Hyperextended, Mar 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  15. I found that the draught on the shoulders came from under the screen, between it and the nose fairing. Eagle winglets help, but they can't cover all the area due to the cutout for the bars to turn.
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