Only seven months to go. Nobody really knows what the future holds, but we can make some educated guesses. Here's mine at this stage. I think UKIP will get 6 seats at Westminster, and the SNP 6. The Irish parties will get their usual 17. Welsh nats keep their 3. LibDems will be slashed to 30. Conservatives drop to around 260. Odds and sods 3 or 4. Labour will get 325+ and form a government with a small but workable majority. Any other forecasts?
Couldn't care less either, what a crap subject for a thread - although I think it may well be popular and make people fall out that's my prediction...
Please not another labour government. Hung parliament, so labour and the conservatives will make it worse than an out right win for either. If labour win...I'm blocking the news channel for 4-years. I cannot stand that leader...whatever his name is Mr Mille Bean?
dont know who will win but i recon it will be a coalition. i do know the country will lose. up shot, you know the rest.aye!.
So no-one else is prepared to predict, or guess, any actual figures then. Just the usual clichés and waffle. Ho hum.
SNP will return with a land slide,,,,,,,,,, declare UDI by the end of the year, ((((( while England continue to flounder with bigoted Tory scum and racist UKIP )))))))
If Farage could actually have a candidate in every constituencey, the end result might be a bit dramatic. But without knowing what UKIP will do, I wouldn't like to predict any result.