This bike really does speak for itself. She’s in amazing condition and extremely well looked after (she even gets a blanket over winter!) I’m the second owner and have had her for 5 years. Always garaged and never used over winter. Extras, INNOVV k2 dash cam system, The all important termi exhaust, Small tinted screen, Ducati performance led indicators, (ridiculously expensive but look amazing to stock) Oxford heated grips Gear indicator. 11511 miles that will increase as the sun shines. Please ask questions, if you would like any further photos I’m more than happy to send them. Please if you’re a serious buyer come around have a brew and a chat. I would prefer not to negotiate a price on a bike that hasn’t been seen. Fresh MOT 28/06/2022 JUST HAD NEW BELTS FITTED. 13/06/2022 This work has been carried out by Louigi Moto of Bristol. With regards to oil services I do the oil and filter every spring even when it’s done less than 1000 miles. All receipts available