2020 Orimpics!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Anyone here gonna go? Having been to the olympics in London last year I think I'd quite like to go to Japan to see them. I might just mention it to SWMBO.
  2. Not a chance! It's all the sports that nobody ever watches normally... The cycling last year was ok though...
  3. got to admit, the cockanees did a grand job last year. i never would have watchd it normaly but ended up hooked in it.
  4. With those radioactive leaks they should have a 5 legged sprinter by then :biggrin:
  5. might be dead by then , that's to far away to even bother about
  6. "Orimpics" - Like it! :wink:
  7. Most superheroes have superpowers as they've been exposed to radiation

    I'm worried just imagining Japan's 2020 Olympic team
  8. And yet strangely enough none have ever failed a dope test

    Would love to go to Japan
  9. If you get the chance then go... I recently spent three years living and working in Tokyo, and it's an astonishing place. The film "Lost in Translation" is more a documentary than anything else.

    Rather expensive though, and would expect the price increases over the Olympics will make your eyes water without the need for wasabi.
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