24hrs until my spinal surgery

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Well im here quietly crapping myself. Im going to be admitted tomorrow @11am and subject to my assessment results will be in theatre for an anterior cervical discetomy and spinal prosthethesis. the op takes about 5 hours so i doubt i'll be awake until early evening. im just keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well and without complications. the last 7 months of my life have been amongst the worst in my life due to this injury and various other things going down the tubes. I'll be in for few days, possibly up to a week so you'll be glad to know that i probably wont be posting my provocative reparte for a while.
    i havent had a proper nights kip since January and was up until about 5 this morning...I hope everything goes well and i can gradually get my life back..get fit, restart and rethink my career situation and get out there amongst the women..
    For the rest of the day im going to be cleaning, packing and fidgeting...right, now lets nip to the toilet again.

    this is the exact same procedure that im having tomorrow.

    Live Video of Cervical Disc Replacement by Hussien El-Maghraby - YouTube

    i have a large prolapsed c5/6 disc compressing the nerve roots with some compression of the brain stem and spinal chord in addition to minor herniations of c4/5 and c6/7...not good..ive gone from 92kg with 12% bodyfat to 74kg with 18% bodyfat. My right bicep has shrunk from 17" to a 12" pipe cleaner, my left is about 14"...cant wait to get this done, recover, get the use of my upper body back, start going out and socialising, getting back down the gym, the mountain bike and picking up my guitar again (im a guitar teacher/player, but havent touched the thing for months).

    cheers x

  2. Good luck, I'm sure it will go well and you'l be up and about in no time:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 2
  3. will be thinking of you - have had L5/S1 myself.
  4. Good luck ...hope all goes well.
  5. Hey funky will be thinking about
    Hope all goes well and your recovery leads you on into all the things you want to do and miss :)
  6. Best wishes from me Funky, I hope it all goes well for you. Look forward to hearing more provocative stuff from you in the near future!
  7. thanks for all your kind words and support everyone. its very kind of you and is very much appreciated
  8. Best wishes here Funky .....
  9. You'll probably feel better when you man up a bit
  10. Good luck you will be fine :) you sound like you have so much you want to do and that's half the battle won a positive mind :)
    Just think when it's Tuesday your life WILL be better and better !
  11. Hay funky all the best tomorrow, and be good with them nurses.
    Look forward to having you back.
  12. Good luck Funk, post some pictures ..... sorry I have an odd obrain. Good luck mate we all know it is up and up only.
  13. All the best matey.Hope all goes well.:upyeah:
  14. Good luck Funky.....Birdie is right tho, just think about all those nurses running around after your every beck and call :wink:
    #14 XxAnthxX, Jul 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2012
  15. Good luck, hope all goes welland you get your life back again. Think positive!
  16. Good luck with the op, and again if you get the Matrons running round after you and not the nurses....
  17. Get well soon mate...

    Bit like the dentist - uncomfortable & not something you look forward to - but you'll feel better afterwards! :smile:
  18. Good luck but I'm sure you won't need it. I had a major op on my back six years ago (which has left a big hole :eek: there) and I thought I'd never be able to ride again. And if I did that I'd never be able to ride a sports bike. But it's not affected me at all in that regard. And I'm sure you'll be back to normal in a couple of months :smile:
  19. Good luck with it all, Funky. Fingers crossed for you. I had a miserable little arthroscopy earlier this year. Always seems weird getting into a hospital bed when you don't feel ill. But the best thing is that in 24 hours or so, every day you will feel better and better.

    I bet you're going to be a massive pain in the arse in hospital, you git, chatting up nurses like there's no tomorrow. Tell us if you score!
    Really looking forward to hearing about your recovery. Start a thread! When you get your guitar fingers back, I'm coming over for a lesson.
  20. Good luck for tomorrow Funky :upyeah:
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