3 worst bikes you have owned

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnboy, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. 1 -1978 yz 125
    2 -suzuki gt 185
    3 -suzuki gsx 750 es

    come on lets hear the horror stories :biggrin:
  2. Must be lucky as i have never owned a bike i didnt like!!
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  3. Dont know about the bikes being "the worst " but bikes I had issues with (I still liked them):
    1974 Yamaha RD250 B
    1983 Honda VF 750S (The S was for Shaft)
    #3 paulk, Feb 12, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  4. me too I've had loads, some "right old knackers" but on many occasions i've found myself regretting selling them & wishing i still owned all of them
  5. In no particular order

    1971 Honda C70 Never broke down but what a piece of S**T
    1974 CZ 125 something fell off it pretty much every day
    1978 Triumph T140 Used more oil than petrol, mostly keeping the tyres lubricated
  6. Never had a bad one....even the Chinese commuters have been totally reliable.
  7. honda cb750f1 the most horrid bike lve ever owned naff everything
    HD sportster XLX the cheap matt black one l found out why they were cheap
    amazingly nothing else springs to mind the
    CX was bland
    The r75 was weird
    the yz465 with lights was nuts when it started
  8. HD Sportster!

    It's all coming out now young Stephen :biggrin:
  9. Worst bike i owned for breaking down was my first Ducati 900ss white frame.
    Mains pre load set wrong by factory
    Gearbox bearing.. Same as above.
    Cracked swingarm
    Tank split near hinge.
    These were just major things with only 9k miles.

    Over priced piece of shite..

    But i then bought a 1994 model and all was forgiven.
  10. 1. Katana 1100 - My dream bike. Bought one. Hated it.

    2. Suzuki SV1000S - Should have been a modern day TL, was in fact a steaming turd.

    3. Aprilia RSV Mille - Great engine, great chassis, but so unremittingly uncomfortable I just couldn't ride it.
  11. kat 1100 shhh i got one in the shed
  12. you know l was a baaaaadaaaaas once!!!!!!! you have seen the photo's
  13. Never had an unreliable bike, but hated the BMW R1100RT I had before the ST3, for a tourer it had the most uncomfortable riding position ( for me ) and I never gelled with the bike at all! Was so pleased to see it go, knowing I'd got the Duke lined up to replace it. To cap it all, 3 months after selling it, I got a speeding ticket through the post because the new owner hadn't sent off the reg slip!
  14. never had one i didnt like, but my 2008 EC250 gas gas used to scare the crap out of me, being a 2 stroke had no engine braking, going down steep hills it just picked up speed and on off road if you touch ur brakes going down muddy/ wet, slate ur on ur arse, also was kick start which was hard work especailly half way across a river and stalled or half way up a hill, else it was prob the best enduro i had, light and nimble, sold it 2 years back to get my WR450F
  15. Once bought a P&M Panther 650 in bits. Never managed to get it running at all. You can't get much worse than that.
  16. Reminds me of the following unforgettable cartoon from Bike in the mid 80's - halcyon days!.

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  17. (1) Husqvarna WR400. Damn clutch was all over the place,spent a fortune on bits trying to put it right and never got a good vibe out of it.Pulled like a tractor from zero revs though,not bad for a stroker.
    (2) Suzuki TS250X.Throttle stuck wide open on the first day of an Enduro training school,the bike cartwheeled through the trees and I hit the ground and knocked myself out.Was so dramatic that cars on the A11 stopped to make sure I was ok.Sod that
    (3) Triumph 650 twin,known to many North Herts/South Beds greasers as "The African Queen".Never broke down,was dog slow,handled sh*te and my chemical-addled brain kept buying the thing back after selling it...3 times I owned it,Christ knows what happened to it but I fully expect it to find me again one day....
  18. Cant think of any I immediately thought 'bollocks' after I bought them. But given reliability and fun, or lack of, have to be;
    - GPX250 bought as first on road fully licensed bike to commute on. Broke down EVERY tme it rained.
    - GT380 never managed to get it to run on 3 for more than 20 miles. Mind you this was before I had a full bike licence so maybe a little karma going on there...
    - Multistrada....fun to ride, loved the twisties, reliable...bit helped to put me n hospital with a back complaimt as t was the most uncomfy bike I have ever owned, and for that alone I'd never own another
  19. CB900 had a few, a canal boat with a jet engine !
    the african queen nickname made me laugh
    l bought that bloody F1 back once, l sold it to a mate think l felt guilty
    it's just struck me why did l buy a honda with two cam chains! at that time must have been mad
    #20 duc904red, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
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