not used any oil, not had to change tyre pressures, chain a shocker for rust, cylinder heads flaking, front tyre on the limit with more left on the rear, fast, comfy, takes conditions in its stride and the back brake is now useless loving it. Bring on some decent weather, some decent sticky rubber and lets see what this baby can do.
Bloody brilliant bike. 150 miles today and enjoyed every one of them. Mines 5 months old and done 2300 miles. So far all good but had a new set of tyres at 1500 miles after a rear blow out. Large chunk of metal embedded itself into the rear. Also managed 1000 miles since Dec on my FJR1300 but today on the Mutley was so much more fun.
funny front wear tho, just off centre, same as my 848 used to, but didn't expect that on this bike. On the limit so think a set of PR3's are in order
Or PR4's? I spoke to a Michelin man at Bike show yesterday and he advised me that putting a PR4 on the front will be fine with a PR3 on the back.
Sorry, I don't! Can't decide between PR3/4 or Z8. Has anyone tried both for comparison of grip wet/dry mileage of front/rear. Would welcome discussion from anyone having had experience of both.
I run Z8 in the new MO/MH compounds on my K1300S and they are brilliant. I wouldn't run PR3 or PR4s on a bike where handling is important, grippy though they are.