520 Chain Conversion.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Chris.King1, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. As anybody converted to 520 pitch chain and sprockets??? I was thinking about doing this, but I am hearing horror stories of chains stretching / snapping and so on. Considering the 520 pitch is mostly used under race conditions, I dont see many issue's with it. My 749R is of course 525, I have found a good deal on a red DP chain, therefore will need to get the 520 sprockets aswell or could go for the AFAM kit.
  2. the vast majority of race bikes and track bikes run 520 due to lighter weight so they technically spin up quicker and loss in final drive is less.

    I've ran many 520's in the past, including on my old 916
  3. As Weeksy said, 520 will not be a problem, always converted my bikes to a 520.
  4. Cheers, isn't 749 all models from factory have 14t front sprocket and 38t Rear? Im not at home to count what mine has. Just wondering what would be the best for low down speed?...as 14t front is the smallest anyway as its only a road bike so don't need high end particulary.
  5. 520 will be fine.
    Red will not however be fine from a taste perspective.
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  6. Erm, thats not good. Maybe I will just replace the sprockets and keep it to 525
  7. I would as well if i was you. When i picked up my latest 1098s, it had a new 520 chain and sprockets fitted the week before i bought it. After about 4.5k the chain had stretched badly and the sprockets were showing bad signs of wear. Replaced sprockets and chain with a DID 525 set, 8.5k latter (including San Marino and back) and there are no signs of wear at all. Adjusted once at about 5k.
    I can't remember how many times i had to adjust the 520 set just to get it to last to that crappy 4.5k.
  8. Thanks for the info, think I will upgrade to AFAM sprockets on 525 chain. I don't do many miles a year on the R, so 520 most probably will have been ok
  9. I do like the look of Renthal now you mention it...initially was after the black AFAM but now I'm not so sure
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