Hi all, Have this for sale: A quizzical mechanical panda face! Or - a starter sprag including the flywheel middle, all bearings, centre sleeve and bolts to fit a 600SS/750SS & the relevent carby Monsters... Starter sprags dont get an easy life on a big twin and one yours might just Stop Working? Best have a spare handy, chances are it will play up on a sunny Sunday & you wont get to play that day? Price? Heavy item, first offer of £19.99 including Recorded Royal Mail postage gets you a spare sprag. I would keep it - but I already have a spare! The sprag clutch itself can be removed via the large circlip and transplanted into a dry-clutch flywheel middle? The centre splines are different on the 600 and 900 flywheels. :smile:
Following another modded 600SS flywheel I have another sprag and idler gear for sale? :smile: Sprag, circlip & idler gear available, Could post sprag & circlip for £12.99 Paypal? Handy spare.... :wink: