748/916/996/998 900ssie etc. Mudguard mounting brackets

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by chewythekneeslider, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. I'm after a set of 4 mudguard mounting clips/brackets to go with my recently aquired 748/916 Showa forks.
  2. [h=1]Currently on ebay from giovannimoto1 "DUCATI748/916/996/MUDGUARD/FORK CLAMPS SET/COMPLETE SET OF 4". Andy[/h]
  3. Check new price with a Ducati dealer first as they will still sell them and you'll know how much cheaper (or expensive!) they are than ebay.

    Try Nelly at Cornerspeed.co.uk if you don't have a decent local dealer.
  4. Yh . Check dealer prices. I nearly bought a pair of std bar ends of fleabay for £9.99 + p&p. Thought it was cheap enough, then checked at JHP and came home with a pair and change from a fiver.
  5. A new set of 4 are about 27 quid. 38 plus postage is a rip off.......
  6. they turn up secondhand occasionally but rarely at a reasonable price and often nut insert is damaged/missing/half melted out of housing. Same as Cagiva (late) Mito or Planet
  7. 1 Set of 4 off 1998 showa forks sbk.
    all brass inserts solid in plastic and threads clean.:smile:


    Showa clips.JPG
  8. Hi Brian!

    Those look to be just the job. Can you PM me, and let me know how much you want for them?

  9. I'm still on the lookout for a set of mudguard mounts. Apologies to anyone who might have PM'd me about this, I've just realised that all my PMs have disappeared. Odd.

    Anyway, I'm getting on with assembling a collection of parts, got the 748 forks, and a spare as top yoke to bore out to 53mm, got enough material to make some bushes for the fork bottoms to fit a 17mm axle and speedo drive, so just after a mudguard (pref. carbon) and a set of mudguard brackets. So, you guys with spare sets, how about letting me know how much you would like for them?
  10. I have some clips in my toy chest (new unused and an old set) and few carbon mudguards. £60 for a set. pics at some point!
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