Good morning Team, Having been forced by the 'Chinese virus' [ ] to address those little jobs we somehow never get around to, I've pulled the nose off my 748 biposto to clear out the French road trip bugs and sand (yes really) and attend to anything ailing and sub-standard that fails inspection. Unsurprisingly after 22+ years the black painted area around the exterior of each headlamp glass is both weathered and tired. The black paint appears to be satin: definitely not gloss, definitely not matt. I started spraying it satin and it's not as 'correct' as I thought it was going to be. Is there an expert here that knows the minutae of this and can put me straight as to the correct paint please? As always, any guidance would be very much appreciated as we try to gain knowledge to stay as 'factory' as possible. Thanks guys.
Check out @Messer recent thread about refurbing his 916SPS, iirc he explains what he did in there. FWIW I used black insulating tape on mine
Another for black insulation tape. Good for a few years then just replace when needed. Paint on glass in that area is never going to look decent for long.
I used satin black Hycote on mine. It’s ok but I don’t think I would bother again - the effort is not worth the reward IMO. Plus one for insulating tape in the future.
WCP, Bettes & EPJ - thanks for your time and advice: insulating tape; very clever I'll check out that rebuild thread too. Expat - the masking was a drag and I used black satin too; it's well executed but not quite right; glossier than insulating tape which would actually look more 'correct'.
UPDATED: Repainted again - Motip satin black acrylic has really improved it. Fabulous paint that deserves a mention