Hi all I’m undergoing a project in which I’m gradually taking my 748 to pieces in the hope of putting back together with either new, thoroughly cleaned or re-painted parts. My current issue is that the cush drive bush bolts look a little tired/corroded but the bushes look in good condition. Can anyone advise of a good method to clean the ends of the bolts to save me forking out for new ones? Pic shows the state of the bolts, can these be saved?
as above. get all the grease / crap off the ends. then if you want them to look like new, attack them with Scottish brite.
Do not reuse the nuts as they are crimped and designed to be replaced each time they are removed. New ones look much better as well and are not expensive.
Re using Scottish rite, can you tell me which Scottish rite pad ? I found the 3m website confusing Thanks
Brown is coarse and green is fine IIRC. Try the green first and see how you get on but not much difference between the 2 TBH. I get mine from the local ironmongers. Should be about £10 for ten sheets.
Remember they are steel, so now you have used Scottish bright there will be no protection on them so will rust really quick. Either grease the ends or mask off and use something like loctite rust converter on them and spray zinc silver.
It's a well-thrashed-out subject but worth repeating that it's good practice to frequently check these for movement between rubber and not only outer steel ring but between rubber and inner ring/stud. If you look at the last picture @rob6539 posted above, you will see the right hand assembly is already showing separation between rubber and outer ring - this will almost certainly continue to move until it binds with large aluminium rear locking nut for chain adjustment unless action is taken. You can centre-pop sprocket carrier around periphery of each silentblock (as described in more detail in similar threads) or fit a Renthal etc carrier which stops the outer ring moving toward adjuster - the most common failure of the silentblock.