748 wheels

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by MADASL, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. With our 748 being ridden in racing and on track days next year I am looking for 2 good pairs of wheels.

    Any out there?

  2. hi mate,i've got a pair of 3 spoke wheels.they need painting tho.oh and there in holland.so dont know what postage would be?.
    blue wheel 2.jpg red wheel.jpg

    blue wheel 2.jpg

    red wheel.jpg
  3. SPENO - thanks could you PM me with how much you want (including post)

  4. I have a 3 spoke rear :smile:
  5. I can do a front and rear in original gold/bronze for a decent price.
  6. I have a pair of late silver 3 spokes, super condition with good tyres. £200 plus p+p

    Also good snowfalke discs £75, Goldline 65mm calipers £80

    I bought them for spare WOW for the 998S but use the 749R for trck use.
    #6 deleteduser211220, Jan 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2013
  7. We have a gold pair in mint condition and possibly another pair in storage in another premises. We would like £200 for the gold pair but we would put good quaility part worn rubber on for you. DSCF5279.JPG DSCF5280.JPG DSCF5282.JPG Get in touch [email protected]



  8. Pics as promised
    I hope, trying to add this from phone
  9. Thanks all for your help - I now have enough wheels for a years racing (I hope)

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