749 / 999 Mono Seat

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Expat Jack, Jul 4, 2024.

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  1. Anyone got a riders seat for a 749/999 monoposto they don’t need? Condition not overly important so long as all posts and nuts are in place and undamaged.
    I don’t think the biposto riders seat is the same (different part number for sure) unless anyone can advise differently?
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  2. As you now know, I have one (plus more).
    I will look at the weekend.

    Pretty sure BP are the same, but may be wrong.
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  3. BP are the same
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  4. so different part no?
  5. yep got that but what happens then when you want to order a new one if they dont have diff part nos?
  6. ok i get it and that i knew but OP was asking about the pad ie part no 1 which as youve kindly shown is the same across the models - thats why i got confused
  7. In my original post I compared the seat part numbers for a 2004 749r v’s BIP. The R seat number ends 0521B.
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  8. Thread closed
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