
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by speno, May 20, 2013.

  1. please join in the fun to get him to come over to holland for a piss up!........:upyeah:
  2. reply with a reason not to?.................................or a reason to.:upyeah:
  3. we have smoke and hookers here. aplenty! ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. We have them here too. Just they are under the radar :wink:
  5. Oh go on Si you know you want too
  6. Hey ive only just seen this !!!!!!, course id be up for it, like a Feken shot
  7. Anyone else ?
  8. oh come on someone must be up for it, you're egging me on Viv what about it ? Could be very silly !!!!!
  9. Correction, would be very silly !!!!
  10. I think you mean schmoke and hookers!
  11. I dont think rather drunk men is my thing Si :-O ;-)
  12. rather drunk women then?.... :wink:
  13. Lol god no :-D
  14. Looks like its just me then Spen :frown:
  15. What dates do you have how can anyone make plans with no plans!!!
  16. Sounds like the stripper wants to come too :wink:
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